The next bit in the Player’s Handbook that I thought could be handy were these notes on hazards and light. By default, my approach to these situations usually comes with a higher TARGET or making checks HARD. Both of which really end up at the same place of rolling against a 15.
Breaking them down into these little pieces does feel like a slightly more nuanced approach. Provides opportunities for certain characters to shine or more guidance on how to attack the TARGET. At least compared to a heavy-handed TARGET bump.
Obscured Areas
Lightly Obscured area
Ranged attacks and WIS rolls for sight-based searching or perception are HARD.
Heavily Obscured area
Melee attacks are HARD. Ranged attacks and WIS rolls related to sight only succeed on a modified 18+
Bright Light
No adjustments to TARGET. May impose a negative on dark or undead enemies.
Dim Light
Imposes a Lightly Obscured area.
Imposes a Heavily Obscured area.
Special Senses
You don’t rely on physical sight to see anything CLOSE that isn’t behind Total Cover. Attacks on CLOSE targets are EASY
Treat Darkness > Dim Light > Bright Light
Can locate any creature or object within NEAR if they are in contact with the same surface.
Take 1D4 damage each ROUND until extinguished. Spend an action to extinguish.
All checks are HARD and can’t Dash
Make a HARD DEX check to fall to Hanging by a Hand. Failure sets you as Hanging by a Finger.
Falling into water or non lethal heights make a HARD STR/DEX save. Success equals half your health. Failure drops to DYING
All checks are HARD and can’t RECOVER
Players can hold their breath equal to 1+CON. After that, players roll for DYING, all checks are HARD, and movement is reduced to CLOSE.
Choking goes straight to DYING, HARD Checks and must make a HARD STR to break free.
While I wouldn’t normally use things like Dehydration or Malnutrition in a game because it feels like too much book keeping. I would probably have something like reduce inventory for the duration of the session or whatever to account for water and food. Harder for games that have the twenty slot limit and carried.
The same thing with the Special Senses bits. Could be interesting options for a milestone or a loot item power.